
7 Reasons you Might Miss your Period

woman calculates future plansIt’s your time of the month. You’re anticipating the terrible cramps, PMS and exhaustion, but nothing happens. While most women automatically rush to the store to buy a pregnancy test after a missed period, there are a few other reasons you might be skipping the tampons this month.

1. Weight loss or weight gain – Extreme changes in weight, whether it be weight loss or weight gain, can throw your ovulation cycle off track, which also throws off your period. Extreme weight loss can cause your body to conserve resources due to malnutrition, which prevents menstruation. Weight gain also cause a woman to miss her period because of hormone disturbances.

2. Excessive exercising – Even if you haven’t lost a dramatic amount of weight, excessive exercise can lower body fat percentage. Women who are training for marathons or who are just starting extreme sports could frequently miss a month of two.

3. Birth control changes – Switching to different birth controls can cause lighter or non-existent periods. To avoid thinking a missed cycle is pregnancy, talk to your OBGYN about the common side effects prior to starting a new birth control so you know what to expect.

4. Stress – Stress and other emotions play a major role in having a regular menstrual cycle. Find ways to decrease your stress the week before you expect your period to make sure it isn’t delayed.

5. Polycystic ovary syndrome – Polycystic ovary syndrome causes an imbalance of hormones. It can lead to weight gain, facial hair, ovarian cysts and changes in the menstrual cycle.

6. Changes in your routine – Simple changes in your routine, such as starting a new job, going on vacation and waking up early can cause a delay or even a missed period. Within a month, your body should be fully adjusted to a routine.

7. Miscalculation – Many women have cycles that are longer or shorter than 28 days and they don’t chart them correctly So, your period actually isn’t late. Mark a week and a half in your calendar instead of a week to adjust to each month appropriately.

Consult your physician if you miss two or more periods.

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